Anne Duk Hee Jordan
Talk | Worldbuilding in Times of Ecological Disruptions: Embracing Artificial Stupidity, the Digital Gaze, and the Power of Analog Movements and Natural Intelligence
The Art, Culture, and Technology program, MIT
Massachussets, USA
In Anne Duk Hee Jordan’s work, she explores the intersection of technology and nature, challenging the omnipotence of AI by embracing artificial stupidity. Through installations and sculptures, she reveals the poetic beauty of failure and the unpredictability of the digital gaze. Her creations simulate ecosystems where machines and organic lifeforms coalesce, questioning the boundaries of intelligence and creativity. By deliberately incorporating glitches and errors, she highlights the fragility of our ecological systems and provoke contemplation on the role of humanity in a digitally dominated world. Changing perspective in her art prompts a shift in ecological being, urging viewers to reconsider their relationship with technology and nature. This lecture will touch on being between research and the actual constructed world.
Part of the Fall 2024 Lecture Series. The lecture is free and open to the public.
Image caption: Anne Duk Hee Jordan, Electrify Me Baby, ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany, 2024. Photo: Joe Miletzki.