Anne Duk Hee Jordan
I will always weather you
The Bass
Miami, USA
Dec 4, 2023 – Jun 23, 2024
Curated by James Voorhies
Step into weather with artist Anne Duk Hee Jordan’s first US solo exhibition, on view only at The Bass as part of Miami Art Week.
Jordan uses video, sound, kinetic objects and robotics to create enveloping environments. I will always weather you draws visitors into a tactile conversation with weather, technology and art. Surrounded by video projections of ocean streams and meteorological data, visitors will venture through zones representing the earthly experience of land, water and air.
Anne Duk Hee Jordan: I will always weather you is generously supported by Knight Foundation. This exhibition is curated by James Voorhies.
Anne Duk Hee Jordan, I will always weather you (2023). 3-channel color video, 4-channel sound, 17:20 min. Video scenography by overlapping and Simone Serlenga. Visual research by Pauline Doutreluingne. Sound composition by Perera Elsewhere. Sound mix by Giovanni Conti. Commissioned by The Bass; courtesy of the artist and alexander levy