Ella Littwitz
Children of the Dust
MAYAO Gallery, Hong Kong
Oct 25, 2024 – Feb 8, 2025
Opening: Oct 25, 5-8pm
Curated by Dr Penny Dan Xu

Artists: Alchemyverse, Dawn Ng, Ella Littwitz, Guo Hongwei, Hugo Deverchère, Nicolas Lamas, Ni Youyu, Shahpour Pouyan

The goal of this exhibition is to create a contemplative space where art serves as a refuge from collective despair.

Featuring artworks that utilize natural materials, the exhibition reflects on geological transformations and juxtaposes them with the rapid, often tumultuous changes in our personal and societal lives. The echo from the deep time provides solace amidst the noise of day-to-day struggles.

The word “Dust” refers to the fundamental basis of all physical matter, which is also the shared visual element that connects the works in this group exhibition. The title “Children of The Dust” comes from the theory that nearly all the elements in the human body were forged in stars. We, like the clay, salt, metal, and stones used in the artworks, are fragments of a vast cosmic past. We are all children of dust, shaped by the same echoes of the deep time.