How Long is Now?
3 Sep 2021 – 15 Jun 2022
The Israel Museum
Jerusalem, Israel
The phantoms of the past – near or far, acknowledged or suppressed – hover over the contemporary artworks shown at the exhibition… Set in a wide variety of political contexts and geographical locations, they reveal how history appears to seep through the cracks of the present, returning to haunt it and refusing to let go. By focusing our gaze on the here and now, the artists in the exhibition invite us to confront events from the past that still reverberate today. Some search for bygone times, uncovering layers of memory, while others attempt to capture and preserve that which is about to fade away.
Artists: Yuji Agematsu, Claudia Andujar, Dana Arieli, Yael Bartana, Christian Boltanski, Vlassis Caniaris, Endri Dani, Tacita Dean, Petros Efstathiadis, Claudia Fontes, Simon Fujiwara, Cyprien Gaillard, Moshe Gershuni, Yehoshua (Shuka) Glotman, Asta Gröting, Dor Guez, Petrit Halilaj, Lyle Ashton Harris, Thomas Hirschhorn, Miki Kratsman, Mernet Larsen, Ella Littwitz, Zoë Paul, Sebastian Riemer, Julian Rosefeldt and Piero Steinle, Michal Rovner, Doris Salcedo, Assaf Shoshan, Eli Singalovski, Alina Szapocznikow, Paloma Varga Weisz, Sharon Ya’ari