Julius von Bismarck
Save Land: United for Land
Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany
Dec 6, 2024 – Jun 1, 2025
Our soils take hundreds of years to form. But one extreme event is enough to destroy them in a matter of minutes. Every year, 100 million hectares of healthy and productive soils are destroyed – an area about three times the size of Germany. The restoration of our soils is of the utmost urgency, not only for ourselves, but also for biodiversity and the global climate. Land is of vital importance to our lives, and it is a treasure of immeasurable value that must be preserved.
The immersive exhibition Save Land was developed in cooperation with the UNCCD-G20 Global Land Initiative. It combines important positions of contemporary art with exhibits from the natural sciences and uses the latest media technologies to understand the global situation of our land areas. What is the state of our soils in the cities and on agricultural and industrial land? And is there even untouched nature left in the world? What can we do to protect our soils? The exhibition aims to inspire action for the common cause.