Mischa Leinkauf
Europe´s Kitchen by Goethe Institute | Final
Live discussion
Dec 15, 2020

11 countries. 11 artists. 11 perspectives on Europe.

This year and Europe`s Kitchen come to an end and we warmly invite you to take a look back with us. Patrícia Portela opened Europe`s Kitchen in Copenhagen in August in a private kitchen. Priya Basil curated the project and was our artist for Wrocław, where Europe`s Kitchen was hosted by the National Museum for one evening. Mischa Leinkauf turned a public square in Chania into a meeting place for 3 days. Ivana Sajko created “Exercises for Being Together” with a children’s theatre group in Marseille while being absent herself. Arpad Dobriban sent a menu to his guests in Madrid and joined Europe`s Kitchen as digital host. Five insights into a European project and an unpredictable year.

Hosted by Shelly Kupferberg
Language: English and German

Join live on Youtube!

All information and contributions: www.goethe.de/europeskitchen